Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Using the Same Alias in Multiple Domains in Office365

  1. Start PowerShell as an Administrator
  2. If you haven't before issue the command issue it now: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  3. Connect PowerShell to Office365 - (from
    1. Issue the command and input your credentials: $UserCredential = Get-Credential
    2. Then issue this command to connect:  $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
    3. Import the PowerShell commands from the Exchange Server by issuing:  Import-PSSession $Session
    4. Now test your connection by issuing: Get-Mailbox and making sure you get output.
  4. gives us the following steps
    1. :  New-Mailbox -Name "Test Shared Mailbox 2" -Alias test_shared2 -Shared -PrimarySMTPAddress       Be certain to replace "Test Shared Mailbox 2" with the desired display name, the alias "test_shared2" with the desired alias (prefix before the @ sign) and fix the primary SMTP address with the desired address.
    2. Next correct the login name for this mailbox - set-mailbox test_shared2 -MicrosoftOnlineServicesID - you may receive the following error WARNING: UserPrincipalName "test_shared1@cogmotivereports" should be same as WindowsLiveID "", UserPrincipalName should remain as"test_shared1@cogmotivereports". Which may be safely ignored.
  5. Check you work by issuing Get-Mailbox verifying that the new mailbox entry appears.
  6. Close your session with Remove-PSSession $Session
This will create a new shared mailbox with the desired alias.  To make certain users send from the desired address and not the placeholder alias (test_shared2) sign into Exchange and go to the shared mailbox.  Edit the email addresses and set the desired alias as the primary address.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Migrating Outlook 2010 Autocomplete to Outlook 2013

  1. Run Outlook 2013, allow it to finish loading, then close it - no need to wait for it fully synchronize if you have a large mailbox.
  2. Open C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\RoamCache
  3. Look for files named Stream_Autocomplete.dat  and note the latest one (this is the target) and the largest one (this is the source).
  4. Make a backup copy of both files, I placed mine in C:\temp.
  5. Go back to C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\RoamCache and rename the source file Stream_Autocomplete.da~ by replacing the "t" with a "~".  Before you commit the change, highlight the entire name before the period and copy it with Ctrl+C then commit the change.
  6. Rename your target file by pasting the source file name over the target file name.
  7. Run Outlook and feel the joy.
Why didn't Microsoft make this an automatic function like they did in prior versions? 0_o